NOTE: These African totem masks are individually made by hand and no two masks are the same.
Due to the uniqueness of these masks, you are assured of a mask meeting the specifications above, but the actual mask sent may not be one of the ones used in our photo's. Please understand these are all different from each other. The price listed is for one mask.
In stock and ships within 2-business days.
★★★★★ShamanSuper fast shipping and excellent quality for the price I paid. Highly recommended.
Los Angeles, CA
Boise, ID
★★★★★Antonio F.Wasn't sure about the quality until it arrived. Very good, Mystic Trends.
Orlando, FL
★★★★★Author's nameCool stuff. My daughter loved the shirt. The quality and graphic was top notch.
Bend, OR
★★★★★Sue L.A friend referred me to this site and all the wonderful stuff. I made my first purchase and everything was exactly what I expect. Thank you
Germantown, MD